Marine Collagen from Fish scales, Skin and Bones
Marine collagen is derived from fish scales, skin and bones. Marine collagen is the most bioavailable collagen source. Collagen Peptide is a high-quality bio peptide which is also known as “Super Collagen” because this is the form of collagen that our body can best absorb.

Collagen is derived from animal ingredients. However, it is said that fish derived collagen contains much larger amounts of the amino acids, glycine, proline and hydroxyproline than many other proteins. These amino acids are necessary for promoting healthy tissue growth by the cells themselves. Collagen embraces the benefits of “beauty from within”.

A Gift from Mother Earth

  • Collagen is a natural animal derived protein, essential to human life: 1/3 of total body protein content (2/3 of the skin)
  • It holds it all together: Skin, bones, muscles, blood vessels, tendons, cartilage, teeth.
  • Good News: Collagen exists naturally in our body. Bad News: It decreases with age.

Collagen peptide has opened a new world of opportunities in the food, pharmaceutical and supplement industry, but above all, improving the nutrition and lifestyle of millions of people.

All collagen starts off as pro-collagen. Your body makes pro-collagen by combining two amino acids viz. glycine and proline.
When you eat protein, it is broken down into amino acids and then reassembled again! So collagen you eat in the form of food may not translate directly into higher levels in your body. This is why ingesting collagen directly in supplement form is essentially more effective. Hydrolyzed collagen (Collagen Hydrolysate) is a pure form of collagen which has already broken the large protein down into smaller peptides, which are more easily absorbed in the body.

According to studies, collagen supplements may improve skin texture and muscle mass, as well as reduce osteoarthritis pain.

The known benefits of collagen supplements, based on scientific research are many. Every passing day into the research of this wonder supplement has yielded in new and surprising benefits to the human body.

Collagen supplementation shows promise for benefits in areas as mentioned below:
Muscle Mass
Study suggests that marine collagen is a protein source same as whey protein because both result in an increase of muscle mass. Combination of collagen peptide supplements and strength training increased muscle mass and strength more than a placebo.
Recent studies suggest that collagen peptide is absorbed and distributed to joint tissues and has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Collagen peptide is a potential therapeutic agent, a nutritional supplement for the management of osteoarthritis and maintenance of joint health.
Bone Health
There is some evidence to suggest that taking collagen may help prevent the deterioration of bone mineral density and bone strength.
Skin Elasticity
Collagen may be used in topical treatments to improve the appearance of skin and for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Study also suggests that women who took collagen supplements showed improvements in skin appearance and elasticity.
Immunity building
The most recent research reveals that ingestion of collagen peptide improves the number of NK cells and T cells and henceforth the immunity of humans. Natural killer (NK) cells and CD8+ CD28+ T lymphocyte cells (T Cells) are necessary for the control of viral infection and the functional exhaustion of cytotoxic lymphocytes is correlated with COVID-19 disease progression. The immune system defends the body against infections by pathogenic organisms, the invasion of foreign toxic antigens and the growth of malignant cells.
Some other potential things that collagen may help with include:

– Maintaining healthy gut
– Maintaining healthy weight
– Reducing anxiety
– Improving mood
– Promoting healthy nail and hair growth
– Preventing UVB induced skin damage
– Protecting against early alcoholic liver injury
– Controlling triglyceride levels in the blood

The ongoing research continues revealing more and more potential benefits of collagen peptide. It is indeed a ‘miracle protein’!